пятница, 21 мая 2010 г.

200 years old Circassian supplication. Delivered from generation to generation

Урыс пащтыхь гущ1эгъуншэу ди лъэпкъыр зэтезук1ар и ц1ыхум яук1ыжынщ, и лъапсэри абы дэк1уэдынщ.
Урыс дзэ пашэу ди лъыр псыдзэу зыгъэжар я сэлэтхэм зэтраук1эжынщ, хьэкъ зимы1эу зи хуэку ирахуам я лъэужь яхужынщ;
Урыс къэралыр зэтещэщэжынщи лъэпкъу бэмп1эгъуэ зытралъхьaхэр щхьэхуит хъужынщ.
Жьуджалэр къэджэрэзынщи хейм и лъыр хамэм ищ1эжынщ.

The merciless Russian Tsar who destroyed our Nation shall be murdered by his own people, and his bloodline shall disappear forever.
The Russian military commanders who spilled the rivers with our blood shall be slaughtered by their own soldiers, and shall follow the path of those innocent people whom they deported from their homeland.
The Russian state shall collapse into pieces and the occupied nations shall be freed.
The tumbleweed shall complete the circle and the innocent blood shall be avenged by the stranger.

Нальчик 2005

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